USBedPage > Los Angeles TS > ts kate mssg/haircut/scrub/manscaping. 4244623744

ts kate mssg/haircut/scrub/manscaping. 4244623744

Hi Guys. I‘m Kate. Asian Ts girl. 5.7 ft./170 lb. sexy and voluptuous.    TS Kate for men grooming real work and great service  if you never try grooming yourself do not hesitate   * Thai Swedish massage * hair cut and beard trim * Body scrub and Swedish Massage * Manscaping (Only shaving available) 
    I provide to service that I’ve been professionally  During my service. I aim to relieve muscular tension and stress in hopes to leave you feeling renewed and revitalized
    Come try my great service in my private apt. I m looking forward to see you. ❤ More information please text 4244623744  ....NOTICE.... TAKE SERIOUS APPOINMENT ONLY NO GAME PLAYER. NICE PERSONE WELCOME. NO RUDENESS CLEANLINESS IS A MUST.